Stand with left foot slighty in front of your right, extend your left and right arm out in front of you with the ball resting in the palm of your non dominant hand,with dominant hand resting on top of the ball.
Shoulder Girdle
*Protraction of the shoulder girdle, abduct the pectoral minor and lat-serratus middle and lower fibers.
Shoulder Joint
*Shoulder flexion, with the pectoralis major isometrically contracted.
Elbow Joint
*Extension of the elbow joint, with the anconeus muscle concentrically contracting.
Hip Joint
*Non-dominant leg has slight anterior extention of the tensor fasciae latae contracting concentrically.
Knee Joint
*No movement.
Shoulder Joint
*Shoulder flexion, with the pectoralis major isometrically contracted.
Elbow Joint
*Extension of the elbow joint, with the anconeus muscle concentrically contracting.
Hip Joint
*Non-dominant leg has slight anterior extention of the tensor fasciae latae contracting concentrically.
Knee Joint
*No movement.