Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Exercises for Volleyball Players

Core and Lower Back Workouts

Volleyball involves a lot of abdominal strength. It is crucial for volleyball players to strengthen their abdominal region and rectus abdominus. 

Leg and Shoulder Strengthening

Volleyball players are constantly relying on strength in their legs and shoulders. Volleyball players defensive position requires them to have strong quadriceps. Also when serving the ball force comes from the core and from the upper body.

Agility Drills

It is important for volleyball players to do agility drills as well. This increases speed, and their vertical jump. 

Volleyball Serve Video

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Stand with left foot slighty in front of your right, extend your left and right arm out in front of you with the ball resting in the palm of your non dominant hand,with dominant hand resting on top of the ball.

Shoulder Girdle

*Protraction of the shoulder girdle, abduct the pectoral minor and lat-serratus middle and lower fibers.

Shoulder Joint

*Shoulder flexion, with the pectoralis major isometrically contracted.

Elbow Joint

*Extension of the elbow joint, with the anconeus muscle concentrically contracting.

Hip Joint

*Non-dominant leg has slight anterior extention of the tensor fasciae latae contracting concentrically.

Knee Joint

*No movement.


Stand with your left foot slighty in front of your right foot. Left arm is extended straight out infront of your body, and bring your right arm back behind your head, hand should be beside your ear.

Shoulder Girdle

*Shoulder girdle retracts using the rhomboid and  trapizus muscles middle and lower fibers.

Shoulder Joint

*Shoulder flexers in your non-doninant arm are isometricslly contracted.

*Shoulder flexers in your dominant arm are concentrically contracted.

Elbow Joint

*Flexion of the elbow. Flex the brachialis, brachioradialis, and pronator teres muscles eccentrically. 

Hip Joint

*Non-dominant leg has slight anterior extention of the tensor fasciae latae contracting concentrically. 

Knee Joint

*No movement.


Toss ball straight up in line with your dominant arm, about 3ft above you. Bring dominant arm forward, reaching as high as you can, make contact with the middle section of your palm, hand must be stiff.

Shoulder Girdle

*Upward Protraction of the left pectoralis minor, and serratus anterior.

Shoulder Joint

* Non- dominant arms shoulder flexers are flexed and concentrically contracted.

* Shoulder flexers of the dominant arm are concentrically flexed, then they become eccentrically flexed as contact is being made.

Elbow Joint

* The elbow joint goes from being partially flexed to full extension once contact is made. When extended, the triceps brachii are concentrically contracted.

Hip Joint

* Once contact is made, your hip is slightly internally rotated, contracting the gracilis muscle.

Knee Joint

* Slight flexion of the knee, contracting the biceps femoris, popliteus, semi-mambraneous, and semi-tendinous. 

Follow Through

If you are a righty, you make contact with the ball and continue to follow through with your right arm after contact. Also bring your right foot slighty forward in front of your left.

Shoulder Girdle

* Protraction of the pectoral minor and serratus anterior middle and lower fiber muscles.

Shoulder Joint

* Isometrically hold your shoulder joint in the flexed position.

Elbow Joint

*Extension of the the elbow, contracting the biceps brachii long head, lateral head and medial head.

Hip Joint

*Left lateral pelvic rotation of the psoas major and minor.

Knee Joint

* Non dominant knee is extended contracting the rectus femoris, vastus intermidius, lateralis, and medialis. While the dominant knee is slightly flexed contracting the biceps femoris, popliteus, semi-branosus, and semi-tendinosus.


Run back onto the court back into position.

Shoulder Girdle

* Slight retraction of the trapezius middle and lower fibers.

Shoulder Joint

* Retraction and protraction of the shoulder joints.

Elbow Joint

* Flextion of the right and left elbows, by concentrically contracting the biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachio-radialis.

Hip Joint

Right hip joint flexion by concentrically contracting the iliacus, psoas, rectus femoris, sartorius, pectineus, gluteus minimus, and the tensor fasciae muscles.

* Left hip joint extension by ecentrically contracting the adductor magnus, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris, and gluteus maximus muscles.

Knee Joint

* Right knee joint flexion by concentrically contracting the biceps femoris, popliteus, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus muscles. 

* Left knee join extension by ecentrically contracting the rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis and vastus medalis muscles.